The Promise of a Cadet

The Promise of a Cadet
Always Ready!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Get all the facts about NYMA and read how you can help at the officially sanctioned website

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Parents reaching out to keep NYMA alive |

Parents reaching out to keep NYMA alive |

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Friday, April 23, 2010

NYMA can't muster money to continue |

NYMA can't muster money to continue |

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Cornwall On Hudson : : : Latest News in Cornwall-On-Hudson, NY : :

Cornwall On Hudson : : : Latest News in Cornwall-On-Hudson, NY : :

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NYMA - New York Military Academy

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

The fight is not over at NY Military Academy!

If you know someone who attended NY Military Academy, tell them that they are sorely needed now to help the school keep from closing!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are not enough Alumni who credit NYMA for the effort it had to make to turn around cadets. You know what I mean!!

I had several alumni stop me when I was driving my car and ask me who I knew who was attending NYMA, because I had a car magnet with the NYMA name on it. One ex-cadet tracked me through my store to tell me how much NYMA meant to him. I wonder where he is now??
I hope you find my blog and get the message to help!